Only logged in users can view or create maps. To log in click the icon in the navbar.
There are no maps currently defined for this user. To create a new map, click the 'New Map' button in the navbar and add a new map.

This clinFHIR module allows you to create and execute maps that use the FHIR mapping language.

The term 'map' is used to describe the instructions to convert from source/s to target/s. There are 2 representations of this map.

There are many ways that you can create these maps - here is on process

  1. Create a sample of the input file as a Json file in your favourite editor. (It can be modified in the app, but it's easier to start with an existing file.
  2. Optionally (but preferably) create a Logical Model that describes the structure of this input file. Having such a model enables some of the features of the mapping engine. Use the clinFHIR Logical Modeller or Firely Forge tool for this. The file needs to be stored on the mapping server (as a StructureDefinition resource) and you'll need to add the url to the mapping file.
  3. Create the terminology resources (ValueSet, CodeSystem, ConceptMap) that are needed for the transform.
  4. Create a new map, giving it an id, name and description using the 'New Map' button in the navbar. Don't select the 'sample' checkbox or from a library
  5. Paste the contents of the example input file into the 'Sample Input' text area. When the map is updated (a button appears when either the example or map is changed) the example is saved in an extension on the map.
  6. Create the transformation map by entering the contents into the 'Mapping' text area. You'll need to save the map (which generates the StructureMap resource) before executing the transform. A button will appear to the top right whenever there are changes to be saved.
  7. Execute the map against the example input by clicking the 'Execute Transform' button. This will call the $transform operation on the mapping server and will display the output at the bottom of the screen in a number of different formats

You can continue to modify both the map and the example any number of times. Both will be saved (as extensions) whenever the StructureMap is updated.

More Information (Open in a separate tab)

Current server configuration

Mapping server

Mapping server conformance

Conformance server

Validate server

Backup server

Target server

Sample Input
{{updateMessage}} {{transformMessage}}
Results in tab above
Mapping file
Error: {{iss.details.text}} {{iss.diagnostics}}

Error: {{iss.details.text}} {{iss.diagnostics}}

{{transformError | json}}

FHIRPath query
{{fhirpathResult | json}}
{{output | json}}
{{$index+1}} {{entry.resource.resourceType}}
{{selectedEntry | json}}
Click the Validate link above to validate the Bundle
{{ | json}}
{{selectedEntry | json}}

This will send the Bundle as a transaction or batch to the target server - {{}}


{{output | json}}


{{ | json}}

FHIRPath query
{{fhirpathResultTool | json}}

Download StructureMap resource
StructureMap Id

Structure Definitions

{{struct.mode}} Import
Importing model...

{{selectedNodeED | json}}
{{selectedLM | json}}
{{currentSM | json}}
{{ | getPrettyDate}}
({{ | getAgeSeconds}})